Setting folders permissions


Setting folders permissions in Outlook desktop app

To enable another user to have access to a folder under your mailbox, you need to grant permissions to a mailbox and the folder you want to share.

Setting folder permissions:

1. Open your Outlook desktop app.

2. right-click on the folder you want to share > properties.

3. Select the tab Permissions > Add…



4. Choose the user you want to grant access to, then select Add-> and then click OK

5. Select the permission level

Owner: Allows full rights to the mailbox, including assigning permissions.

Publishing Editor: Create, read, edit, and delete all items also create subfolders.

Editor: Create, read, edit, and delete all items

Nonediting Author: A user with this role can create items, read all items and files but not modify or delete items and files.

Publishing Author: Create and read items; create subfolders; edit and delete items they’ve created

Author: Create and read items; edit and delete items they’ve created

Reviewer: Read items

Contributor: Create items

None: Gives no permissions for the selected accounts on the specified folder.


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