Create a Task


Create a Task

in this tab, you can Schedule Tasks and create sets of actions to be employed as scheduled tasks.

From the Tasks tab, you can manage and configure scheduled tasks, including Viewing, Adding, Editing, Disabling, Deleting, and Viewing Task Logs, as well as Specifying Task Actions and their Execution Schedules. click on the “+” sign at the top-right corner




Select a Reservation for your task, then enter a Name and a Description. You can also decide to either Activate or Deactivate the task by clicking on the sign next to Active, then click on “Add Task Detail”.

*Please note that changing the reservation after task setup will reset task details*


A screenshot of a computer

Description automatically generated



After clicking on “Add Task Details”, you will be able to:

a. Choose the Object that the task will be applied on, like Virtual Machines, NAT, and Policy Rule and then choose one of its corresponding objects.

b. Choose the Action you want to perform, like taking a Snapshot, Power on/off Enable/Disable, Allow,Drop or Reject.



*Note that in case you choose to take a Snapshot, you will be asked to set a number for how many Snapshots you want to be taken.*


Once you’ve selected the Objects and Actions, you can proceed to configure additional Task details, including Recurrence frequency (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annually), the number of times the action will be executed (Recurring Value), Start and End Dates, Recurring Time, and task Activation Status, you can then go ahead and click on “Save”.




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