File Sharing


File Sharing

CloudSpace users can share files and folders. Possible targets are:

– public links

– users

– groups

– circles

– talk conversations



Public link shares

You can share files and folders via public links. A random 15-digit token will be created. The link will look like:


Public link shares

A number of options are available for public folder shares:

– Read only to allow viewing and downloading

– Allow upload and editing

– With File drop, the sharee can only upload files to a folder without seeing the files that are already in that folder.

– Hide download hides the download buttons and the default browser right-click options in order to make downloading for the sharee harder

– Password protect

– Set expiration date will automatically disable the share


Public link shares

– Note to recipient

– Unshare to revert the share

– Add another link to create multiple public links with different rights

– For public file shares, you may allow editing the file with one of CloudSpace’s collaborative editing solutions.


Internal shares with users and groups

– When sharing with users, groups, circles or members of a Talk conversation, rights for the files or folder contents are adjustable:


Internal shares with users and groups

– As a sharee, you can configure if you automatically want to accept all incoming shares and have them added to your root folder, or if you want to be asked each time if you want to accept or decline the share.

– For adjusting the acceptance setting, go to Settings > Sharing:


Others with access

– In order to find out if a file or folder is accessible to others through sharing of a superior folder hierarchy level, click on Others with access in the sharing tab:

– The list shows all users, groups, chats etc. that the current object has been given access to through sharing of a superior folder in the hierarchy:



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