Join a call or chat as guest


Join a call or chat as guest

CloudSpace Talk offers audio/video call and text chat integrated in CloudSpace. It offers a web interface as well as mobile apps.


Joining a chat

If you received a link to a chat conversation, you could open this in your browser to join the chat.



You can change your name by clicking the Edit button, located top-right.



Your camera and microphone settings can be found in the Settings menu. There you can also find a list of shortcuts you can use.



Join a call or chat as guest

– During a call, you can mute your microphone and disable your video with the buttons in the top-right or using the shortcuts M to mute audio and V to disable video.

– You can also use the space bar to toggle mute. When you are muted, pressing space will unmute you so you can speak until you let go of the space bar. If you are unmuted, pressing space will mute you until you let go.

– You can hide your video (useful during a screen share) with the little arrow just above the video stream. Bring it back with the little arrow again.



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