Creating a chat


Creating a chat

You can create a direct, one-on-one chat by searching for the name of a user, a group or a circle and clicking it. For a single user, a conversation is immediately created, and you can start your chat. For a group or circle you get to pick a name and settings before you create the conversation and add the participants.



If you want to create a custom group conversation, click the button next to the filters button and then on Create a new conversation.




You can then pick a name for the conversation, put a description, and set up an avatar for it (with uploaded photo or emoji), and select if the conversation should be open to external users and if other users on the server can see and join the conversation.



In the second step, you get to add participants and finalize the creation of the conversation. You can cancel the creation of a conversation by clicking outside the white menu area at any time.




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