Recover Deleted Emails in Webmail


Recover Deleted Email Messages in WorldPosta Webmail

When you accidentally delete an email, you can recover it from the Deleted Items folder. Additionally, you can recover a deleted folder along with all its messages from the Deleted Items folder. WorldPosta offers a valuable feature: recovering permanently deleted items. For more information about this feature, contact Support at [email protected] 


Recover an Email Message from Your Deleted Items Folder:

1. Open the Deleted Items folder.

2. Select the message you want to restore, then right-click and select “Move…”



3. Choose the destination folder from the list, and then click OK.


Recover Permanently Deleted Emails:

To recover emails that are no longer in the Deleted Items folder:

1. Right-click on the Deleted Items folder and select “Recover Deleted Items.

2. A new window will appear containing all permanently deleted emails.

3. Right-click on the message you want to recover, then select “Recover.”

4. Click OK.


Note: The items you select to recover will be restored to their original folders:

– Mail items to the Inbox.
– Calendar items to the Calendar folder.
– Contacts to the Contacts folder.
– Tasks to the Tasks folder.



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